Resilience can sometimes be thought of in the analogy of a spring. Up to a certain point you can pull a spring apart (putting it under stress) and it will return to exactly its original shape once the pressure has been removed. But, pull too far apart and the spring becomes bent out of shape, loses its resilience, and no longer has the capacity to return to its former state. This is true for systems, organisations and individuals.
The scale of the current challenges have significantly increased the risk of reaching break point, and means that developing resilience is even more important that ever before for staff and organisations working in the community sector.
Kaizen design and deliver bespoke resilience training workshops and programmes, for Local Authorities and 3rd sector organisations.
Here is an example of training objectives and content from a recent training workshop for managers from a Local Authority. We would be happy to speak with you about designing and delivering resilience training for your organisation.
Sample Objectives:
To support participants to:
- Learn to better manage themselves and their personal state in stressful circumstances
- Understand how their own patterns undermine their resilience and what they can do about it
- Develop their ability to create resilient relationships and repair broken relationships to make them more resilient.
- Improve their leadership by helping colleagues manage their resilience.
- Have an understanding of organisational resilience including budget restraints, both present and in the future
Sample Course content:
- What is resilience and why does it matter?
- What does the research tell us about what resilience is and where it comes from?
- Tips for self-regulation in stressful situations
- Scripts and drivers, the inner critic and their impact on personal stress and performance
- Understanding the perceptual positions of self and others
- Conversational skills for repairing relational problems
- Awareness of stressors in others and developing practical coaching skills to help.
Please contact us for further examples or to speak with someone about how Kaizen can design and deliver a bespoke training in Resilience for your organisation.