The following list gives examples of the range and types of projects we have delivered/are currently delivering.
Our yearly newsletter outlining our most recent projects is also available on our Newsletters page.
Community Consultation and Research Experience
- Undertaking a comprehensive review of tenant and homeowner engagement for Southwark Council with the aim of providing evidence to support improvements to the current structures and ways of working, including consultation with over 1000 residents.
- Design and delivery of a consultation with over 500 residents to inform the development of a new mixed-use health and community centre for the Aberfeldy community in Tower Hamlets for Poplar HARCA.
- Large-scale community research, engagement and community building in a housing estate in South London, on behalf of Viridian Housing. This was a long-term project that involved interviews and engagement with residents, community workshops (including a youth workshop), supporting residents to agree on how to develop an unused space on the estate and develop other ideas.
- Consultation with over 500 young people in Waltham Forest to explore what the council could do to support young people with housing needs
- Consultation and engagement with over 1,200 community members for Trafford Housing Trust in Manchester on the co-design for the development of a new community centre.
- Engagement and consultation in 30 estates across the country for Hanover Housing Association to understand resident views about proposed service delivery model changes.
- Design and delivery of a large scale community engagement and consultation for the Poplar Neighbourhood Community Budget. This was highlighted as national best practice in community engagement by DCLG.
- Delivery of 4 consultations for LB Lambeth targeting hard to reach residents to gather data on local priorities for allocation of CIL money.
- Design and delivery of a consultation with over 1000 members of the community in Poplar on health and wellbeing, commissioned by Poplar HARCA to support them and partners in developing a health strategy for the area
- Carrying out a consultation with young people on the development of a programme of arts and cultural activity for the library service for Merton Council.
- A community consultation for Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council to provide data and engagement for 2 Neighbourhood Community Budget programmes.
- Community engagement and consultation with over 1000 people for Brighton CCG and Healthwatch to hear from harder to engage community members to get their views on how health services can be improved.
- Consultation with over 100 young gang members in Southwark and Lambeth, for Leap Confronting Conflict as part of development of a large lottery bid to run a gangs programme.
- Consultation and research with over 500 young people across the country, in areas affected by the 2011 riots, on behalf of the Resilience Consortium
- Design and delivery of an engagement and consultation with young people with special needs and disabilities for Central Bedfordshire Council
Examples of Engagement Consultancy
- Consultancy and support for the London Legacy Development Corporation in revising their code of consultation for the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
- Development of a comprehensive action plan on how to build community in a new estate for the London Legacy Development Corporation
- Facilitation of large scale community meetings in Peckham as part of the community engagement for the proposed major development of the Aylesham Centre.
- Delivery of a large scale engagement programme for LB Waltham Forest to explore different models for engagement in respect of development including the production of an engagement toolkit for officers
- Engagement strategy and delivery for LB Lambeth to help design a new framework for how the community part of CIL money is spent. This project was given special commendation in the 2017 New London Architecture Awards.
- Co-design review for LB Southwark to understand and capture knowledge of what worked and what didn’t work in the 2 large co-design processes in respect of major development in Peckham town centre.
- Expert facilitation for Hanover Housing Association to develop a resident engagement strategy, working with residents, staff and senior manager to totally overhaul the organisations strategy
- Strategic support for the Trafford Housing Trust in developing a comprehensive engagement strategy for the redevelopment of a community centre and extra care facility
- Delivery of a large action research project for 3 of the Sainsbury Family Trusts to look at how improving engagement can impact on project outcomes
- Support and expert advice on community engagement for the Changing Places Programme Board of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games;
- Engagement support and consultancy for Code for America on the development of an engagement toolkit
- Engagement training for a World Bank study tour from Nigeria, for the Royal Institute of Public Administration;
- Development of community engagement framework and strategy for Adur and Worthing District Councils
Examples of Work in Education and with Young People
- Delivery of the Legacy Youth Voice programme for the London Legacy Development Corporation and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. This multi year programme is for young people from across East London enabling them to genuinely influence development on the Olympic Park
- Delivery of the flagship youth leadership programme for the Olympic Delivery Authority working with over 60 schools across the Olympic host Boroughs. This project was a key part of the London 2012 community engagement strategy.
- Leadership workshops for young people at Primary and Secondary Schools, as well as Specialist Academies. We have worked with staff and students from over 350 schools.
- Training programmes to support young Premier League footballers for Fulham, Charlton and Southampton football clubs;
- Full delivery of a large-scale multi-component youth leadership programme for LB Waltham Forest. This was funded under PREVENT agenda and was aimed at bringing young people from different faiths together to collaborate to improve community cohesion;
- Training and development for care leavers for the Who Cares Trust;
- Large scale training programme on gangs and gang awareness for Waltham Forest Young Advisors;
- Training and support for peer mentors who had been homeless, for LB Hammersmith and Fulham;
- A multi-agency pilot project for Transport for London to address the issue of young peoples’ anti-social behaviour on buses;
- A programme to act as a bridge back to education for teenagers at risk of exclusion from school, in partnership with Young Potential East Midlands;
- Intensive 2 week skills and aspiration development programmes for unemployed East London graduates for the Young Foundation;
- Aspiration and employment readiness training for young blind graduates, for the Royal National Institute for the blind;
Facilitation, Management Capacity Building and Professional Development
- Delivery of a rolling programme of Innovation and Change training for Kent CC
- 2-year Management Capacity Building and Developing Resourcefulness Programme for Liverpool City Council;
- 2-year professional development training programme for the Diversity and Social Inclusion team for Liverpool City Council;
- 1-year Multi-agency Engagement and Coaching Skills Programme for Youth Professionals from the London Borough of Brent;
- 1-year professional development programme, ‘Ambassadors for Change’, for managers to further develop their skills in change management, coaching and accountability;
- Leadership and Management Future Leaders Programme for Kent CC
- 2 Community Driven Development International training programmes for the Royal Institute of Public Administration
- Community Development training programme for the Government of Bermuda;
- 4-year, training and supervision package for managers and staff for Action for Children;
- 6 Training trainers programmes (4 days each) for in-house trainers for Liverpool City Council;
- Training and supervision for staff of private and statutory care providers who work with looked-after children such as Barnardo’s and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
- Facilitating staff away days for organisations such as Common Purpose, Raleigh, and local authority staff teams to engender cultures of resourcefulness, ownership and effectiveness;
- Delivery of Mindset for Success training programme for the Tech Up Nation apprenticeship programme for the London Tech Sector
- Three intensive 2 week programmes for unemployed East London graduates for the Young Foundation;
- 2-year Training and Coaching Skills programme for the Diversity and Social Inclusion team, Liverpool City Council;
- An intensive residential for unemployed graduates for the Royal National Institute for the Blind;
- 1-year package of training, coaching and supervision for employment advisors and managers from the Training Network Group;
- 2-year mentor training programme for Liverpool City Council;
- An intensive personal development programme to re-engage long-term unemployed in the possibility of employment, for Working Links;
- Coaching Training for the Brent In2 Work team;
- Training and individual coaching programme for trainees with disabilities and/or from ethnic minorities for Liverpool City Council;
Care Sector
- 3-year coaching, training and supervision package for managers and staff for Action for Children;
- Training and supervision for staff of private and statutory care providers who work with looked-after children such as Barnardo’s and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
- Crisis intervention to raise standards in under performing care homes for organisations including Barnardo’s and London Care Solutions;
- Keynote speeches and facilitation at conferences for organisations such as Barnardo’s, Care Leavers Foundation and Action for Children.
- Training on engagement and the care sector for a seminar hosted by the GLA and LB Redbridge